Our office is conveniently located in beautiful Johns Island, SC. But just because we’re located here, doesn’t mean you have to be. We work with clients in a dozen different states through a combination of face-to-face and virtual consultations. We’ll also happily come to you! Or better yet, come to us and then hit the local beaches; think of it as a vacation for you and your finances.
We utilize a multi-step Financial Planning Process.

Our initial consultation is always free. Here we discuss your uniqueness, your financial and investment goals, any challenges you may be facing, and what we may be able to do to help you overcome and achieve them. If you decide to move forward, there’s some minor paperwork to complete. Next, we’ll uncover your risk tolerance and gather copies of necessary financial information. We’ll also set expectations on what we’ll be doing in the following steps and what will be asked of you. This step may be accomplished in as little as one meeting, but can take more depending on complexity of your circumstances.

Formalize & Recommend
During this next step, we believe the fun truly begins for us. We’ll begin analyzing your current course of action, build a net-worth statement, and look at current cash flow. We’ll use the objectives you’ve identified in the first step to begin building recommended alternative courses of action, if needed. Naturally, we’ll have questions along the way and will be in touch with you as needed. Once we’ve finalized our recommendations, we’ll set up a time to go through them with you.

After the financial plan is completed, you’ll have the option to implement the recommendations through our firm. If you choose to use our Managed Investment Portfolios service, we’ll coordinate all the paperwork and account transfers. You simply read, review, and sign and we’ll do the rest. Our recommendations often include seeking the services of outside professionals such as estate planning attorneys, CPAs, and/or insurance professionals. We’ll happily work with your existing advisors or make introductions if you need one. And don’t worry, we do not accept referral fees as a condition of our Fiduciary Duty.

The final step in the process and, arguably the most important step, is ongoing management and review. If you’ve chosen to implement an investment strategy with us, we monitor your accounts consistently throughout the trading day and keep you up-to-date on necessary adjustments. We’ll meet up for periodic reviews as often/as little as you’d like. Each of these reviews gives us the opportunity to gauge where you stand and how the movements of the markets are affecting your long-term financial plan. We’re big fans of a what’s the bottom-line approach and we’ll be sure to make minor tweaks along the way if/when necessary.
We’re committed to ensuring the financial plans and investment strategies we put together for you fit your lifestyle and are just as unique as you are. Afterall, who wants a financial plan or investment strategy that one can’t follow?