Investment Portfolio Management

We set out to build Coastal Wealth Advisors with clarity of purpose, investment philosophy, and description of services. We find it’s common in the financial services industry to be somewhat vague on what firms do, how they do them, and what they charge.

We strive to change that.

Managing Your Investment Portfolio

Our primary service is managing investment portfolios for clients. This means we design, establish, implement, and actively monitor the specific mix of positions within the client’s investment portfolios.

What’s an investment portfolio? An investment portfolio is one or more investment account types pursuing a strategy tailored to the account owners or beneficiaries

Many of our clients have a combination of the above account types. The reason some clients may do this is to take advantage of the tax benefits associated with an account type in pursuit of a personalized goal. It’s important for investors to understand that the number and type of accounts is specific to the client, and one shouldn’t compare their situation to that of a friend.

Accounts We Manage

Utilizing the services of a custodian like Charles Schwab, we manage many different account types, such as:

Individual Retirement Accounts

  • Traditional IRAs
  • Roth IRAs
  • Beneficiary IRAs
  • Beneficiary Roth IRAs

Corporate or Business Retirement Accounts

  • Qualified Retirement Plans
  • Defined Contribution Plans
  • Defined Benefit Plans
  • SEP IRAs
  • 401(k)s
  • …and many other types

Trust Accounts

  • Revocable Living Trusts
  • Irrevocable Trusts
  • Charitable Trust (various types)
  • Donor Advised Funds

Regular Investment Accounts (non-qualified or non-retirement accounts)

  • Individual Accounts
  • Joint Accounts
    • Joint with Rights of Survivorship
    • Joint Tenants in Common
    • Tenants by Entirety
  • Transfer on Death Accounts
  • UTMAs/UGMAs (minor child accounts)

Regular Investment Accounts for Entities

  • For-Profit Corporate Investment Accounts
  • Non-Profit Corporate Investment Accounts

Accomplishing Goals

Our Investment Portfolio Management service is designed for investors who seek the professional guidance of making sense of why they own what they own and how the specific positions within each account type all work together towards helping them accomplish their long-term financial goals.