Sailing with the Tides and Winds
Embarking on a financial plan is like sailing around the world. The voyage won’t always go to plan, and there’ll be rough seas. But the

Recent Market Volatility
After a period of relative calm in the markets, recent market volatility in the stock market has resulted in renewed anxiety for many investors. From

Bitcoin: A Prudent Investment?
To Bitcoin or Not to Bitcoin: What Should Investors Make of Bitcoin Mania? Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are receiving intense media coverage, prompting many investors

Average Annual Return
“I have found that the importance of having an investment philosophy—one that is robust and that you can stick with— cannot be overstated.” —David Booth

Investing in Uncertainty
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is an absurd one.” – Voltaire “The market hates uncertainty” has been a common enough saying in

2016: A Year in Review
Every year brings its share of surprises. But how many of us could have imagined that 2016 would see the Chicago Cubs win the World