IPOs, SPACs, and Direct Listings
Investors are flooded with information, options, and little guidance when choosing what investment vehicles to put in their investment accounts. During and post-Pandemic, many of these options became household names as some investors worked from home and became quasi-day traders in their free time. The rise of popular MEME stocks via Reddit and access to […]
Inflation Surprise, Really?
It’s been a volatile week. For the better part of six months, investors haven’t seen a material pullback like we are seeing right now. Several newsletters ago (available only to clients), I stated “a strong recover is likely, but we can’t rule out a market correction on any potential negative catalysts.” It seems we now […]
Is the Stock Market Divorced from Reality?
By Weston Wellington, Vice President of Dimensional Fund Advisors, LP. I have been sheltering in place on a former dairy farm in rural New Hampshire—surrounded by more Scotch Highland cattle than people—and relying on my iPhone and Microsoft Surface Pro to keep in touch with the office via email and Zoom video. I haven’t sat […]
5 Real Things + Bonus Offer you can do Right Now to Address the Coronavirus and your Investment Account.
Here’s 5 Real Things + Bonus Offer you can do Right Now to Address the Coronavirus and your Investment Account. As the country continues its best efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus, it seems that everywhere you turn, you cannot help but run into some article, podcast, Facebook post, television special or Tweet […]
Portfolios and Coronavirus
It goes without saying that the entire world is fixated on the near- and long-term ramifications the coronavirus, COVID-19, could have on the world’s population and resulting global growth expectations. Using the Russell 3000 as a widely available proxy for the entire US stock market, as of midday Thursday 3.12.2020, it was well into bear […]